Mitzvah Project

What is a Mitzvah?

The simple meaning of the word mitzvah is command. It appears in various forms with that meaning about 300 times in the Five Books of Moses.

The Talmud mentions that the Jewish People were given 613 mitzvot at Sinai, and numerous codes—most notably, Maimonides’ Sefer Hamitzvot —provide detailed listings. Examples include such diverse acts as having children, declaring G‑d’s oneness, resting on the seventh day, not eating pork, wrapping tefillin on the arm and head, building a Temple in Jerusalem, appointing a king, obeying the sages and providing an interest-free loan.

In common usage, a mitzvah often means “a good deed”—as in “Do a mitzvah and help Mrs. Goldstein with her packages.” This usage is quite old—the Jerusalem Talmud commonly refers to any charitable act as “the mitzvah.”

Often the word mitzvah is related to the Aramaic word tzavta, meaning to attach or join. Tzavta can mean companionship or personal attachment. In this sense, a mitzvah bundles up the person who is commanded and the Commander, creating a relationship and essential bond.

The three meanings can themselves be bundled together. “Good” is defined as that which the Creator of the Universe wants done with His universe, and by doing that which the Creator wants done, we are bound up with Him in body, mind and soul.

My Mitzvah Project

So what exactly is a mitzvah project? It's a social-action project for 12- and 13-year-olds that are an official part of preparing for your bar and bat mitzvah. The purpose is to teach about the responsibilities of Jewish adulthood, encourage the values of tikkun olam and giving back and raise funds for good causes.

For my Mitzvah project I will be collecting books to donate to those in need. I chose literacy as my charity focus because I love to read and I feel that everyone should have access to books. I love being able to imagine the stories in my own way and feel that reading increases a person’s knowledge immensely.

Any K-12 level books that I collect, I am hoping to send to Mount Carmel School in Saipan. In the fall this school was devastated by a typhoon. They have no books for their library or the teachers’ classrooms. We will be collecting books and also be accepting cash donations to send them to this school -- any extra money will be donated to a charity that increases book ownership for at-risk infants, toddlers and school-age children.

If you'd like to donate books (locally or from afar) or purchase a Barnes and Noble gift card, please fill out the form here.

If you'd like to make a monetary donation, you can do so here.

Thank you for your help with my Mitzvah Project.